Pupils have taken an active and positive role in the set up and development of Cherry Class, including the development of our ‘Cherry Class Charter’ which states the behaviours we expect of ourselves and others which we have all agreed upon and signed. The charter is reflected upon and commented upon throughout the day and new evidence of pupils following the Cherry Class Charter is constantly being added to the wall as the photograph shows.
Business & Enterprise Skills
Cherry Class have developed a class business which the boys have named ‘The Cheeky Cherry Lads’. At the moment the business mainly focuses around the use of wood which we are very lucky to have an unlimited amount of, donated to us by N.T. Walsh Tree & Forestry Services.
We are currently making wooden log animals and have had great success with owls so far. Charlie and Tommy have both made owls and Alfie made a pig. Making a wooden log animal involves the use of a wide range of DIY tools and resources which everyone is becoming much more confident with.
We developed a community link with The Works in Berwick town centre and they kindly raffled one of our owls making an amazing £77 which Cherry Class went over and collected. The lovely manager also bought our first wooden log owl from us for her own garden too.
In the build up to Christmas we developed and made a range of Christmas decorations using wooden discs which we advertised for sale, amongst our parents and staff. These proved very popular and Cherry Class had to work extremely hard to fulfil all of the orders received. Making the decorations involved the use of tools and resources and we utilised pebbles and sticks from the beach and park in our designs. The pupils bought resources needed, made the products to order, made labels, packaged the orders, delivered the orders, collected payments, gave customers change when needed, counted and banked business money.
At Christmas we banked an amazing £259.00 following all of our hard work.
We are currently in the process of making a range of wooden log animals which we plan to sell at local pop up shops throughout the rest of the academic year.
During the Autumn term Cherry Class cooking focused around a ‘mystery fruit or vegetable’ which the pupils used their senses to name. The pupils found the leek, potato and carrot difficult to identify using their senses. The pupils then independently researched and printed out a recipe they would like to try which included the mystery fruit or vegetable. Cherry Class then looked at and discussed the recipes and voted on which recipe would be made in the cooking lesson. On occasion when votes were tied we made two recipes and all taste tested them. For example when bananas were the mystery fruit the votes were tied and we made banana fritters and banoffee pie as the photographs show.
The Spring term cooking is focusing on life skills cooking to support the development of basic skills to enable pupils to make themselves a simple meal.