British Values Statement
The Grove School is committed to promoting key British Values through its ethos and wider curriculum. We pride ourselves on our inclusive environment and ensure that ALL children are taught to understand, appreciate and respect diversity in order for them to effectively relate to and embrace the world we live in as local, national and global citizens and as potential leaders of the future.
As part of our life skills and citizenship curriculum the children learn about the idea of democracy through a variety of contexts including electing school council representatives through a democratic process.
We embody equality, fairness and a right to pupil voice as part of our school ethos.
Our well established school council also follow a clearly democratic structure for discussion, debate and voting for outcomes of different projects.
The Rule of Law:
The idea of right and wrong and safety are clearly and consistently adhered to throughout our school rules and positive behaviour policy.
Through effective life skills teaching, school ethos and rewards and sanctions strategies children understand the concept of justice, fairness, rewards and consequences.
We regularly record and review any behaviour incidents in school and share these with key stakeholders.
We have visits from local police officers to support our learning across the wider curriculum.
Individual Liberty
Children have key rules and responsibilities across school.
Children are encouraged to and have the freedom to make choices and think independently whilst in a safe, supportive environment.
As a school we are dedicated to teaching children about safe and sensible choices which will support them for life.
We provide clear consistent boundaries for children to learn moral ideas and explore the meaning of right and wrong.
Our ethos and mission statement clearly embodies everything we do.
Our children are given the freedom to make informed choice.
Mutual Respect:
Respect is a highly valued theme addressed annually across the school through life skills, collective worship and class thinking time.
Respect is embedded through our school rules, class rules and is consistently modelled by all adults within the school community.
We have a mixture of faiths, backgrounds and cultures at The Grove School and all children work and play together harmoniously and with clear acceptance of one another.
Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs:
- Our RE curriculum provides as broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures.
- We make annual visits to different places of worship and invite members of the community to come into school and to talk about their beliefs.
- We focus on generic values that will help our children to become well rounded, respectful citizens.
- Our extensive life skills curriculum ensures that children are taught essential skills, values and attitudes in order to contribute effectively to their communities.
In the Grove School we learn about Cultures and Faiths around the world. We are leaning to appreciate different beliefs and enjoy celebrating a variety of religious festivals throughout the year including Easter, Wesak, Diwali and many more.