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Welcome To Our New Website!
The Grove Special School

School Council

The new school council for 2021 will be adding their outline for what they hope to achieve over the next few weeks.
Their main objective for this year is to reduce the amount of plastic used in school to help stop pollution and save the environment - watch the film clip above. 
Maple and Willow classes have change when possible to using paper bags to send their cooking home and Sycamore collect any empty yogurt pots at a lunchtime, they wash them out and recycle them.  
As a school we now only buy milk in glass bottles.
Oak, Beech and Elm are in discussion with their class groups through their school council representatives, looking for other ideas to share at the next council meeting.

Grove School Green Council

Some of the classes have been thinking about what houses are made of, what materials might be best to build with and what environmentally friendly features could be included. Here are some photos of the ideas and work the children came up with.