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The Grove Special School


Sex and Relationship Education

At The Grove School we use the ‘Lucinda and Godfrey’ scheme throughout the school as part of our Sex and Relationship Education (SRE).

Lucinda and Godfrey is a whole school approach to delivering SRE, taught through age appropriate storybooks that follow the two (Lucinda and Godfrey) characters. The scheme covers friendships and relationships, hygiene, labelling body parts, puberty and other topics.


We are all different

  • Build a special person - To realise that each and everyone of us is a unique and special person.
  • Looking at ourselves - To understand and accept similarities and differences between people.
  • Same and different - To appreciate the similarities and differences between boys and girls including the correct names of body parts.
  • Exploring friendship - To recognise what a friend is and things that friends share.


Exploring Friendship and Trust

  • Friends & Friendship - To understand the qualities needed to be a good friend
  • Friendship Quilt - To recognise that a problem can be dealt with by talking.
  • Friends are People We Can Trust - To identify the key qualities of a good friend.
  • Keeping Friends - To understand how to be a friend to others.


 The Smell Monster


  • Keeping Clean - Know your feelings, describe feelings and recognise how these can be changed.
  • The Smell Monster - relate feelings to actions and realise the consequences of not keeping clean.
  • The Smell Monster - keeping our bodies clean.


Your Feelings, Your Choice

  • Feelings - To recognise negative feelings and appreciate them.
  • Know your Feelings - To understand how to deal with negative feelings.
  • Someone to Tell - To be able to offer help and advice to people in difficult situations.
  • Making Decisions - To develop the skills needed to deal with different situations themselves.


Keeping Safe


  • Who makes the choice - considering the implications of a decision.
  • Rules - To understand the need for rules.
  • Keeping Safe outside of school - To be aware of dangerous situations and to recognise how to minimise personal risk.
  • Responsibility - To understand how human responsibilities change.


 Growing and Changing

  • Puberty - To know how our emotions and bodies are changing and how to deal with these changes.
  • Rules - To recognise why we have rules, how rules are made, how they are enforced and how we can all take part in making and changing rules. 
  • A Healthy Lifestyle - To understand what is needed to be a healthy person, physically and mentally.
  • Decisions - How to make informed choices about a range of subject areas. 


Growing and Changing – Puberty

  • Puberty - To know how and why puberty changes occur.
  • Changing Relationships - To recognise a wide variety of changes.
  • Relationships - To be aware that not all information is accurate.
  • Growing and Changing - To produce a magazine about puberty, growing up and relationships.