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The Grove Special School

School Enrichment Activities



Provided by and for

Outcomes for pupils

Academic year 2021 -2022

Chain Bridge project

Chain Bridge charity

Senior pupils

Children where involved in different activities such as Design and Technology and Science based learning.

Academic year 2021 - 2022

Holy Island film project


Senior pupils

Developing pupils confidence and self-esteem. Developing understanding and knowledge of film making and the jobs and skills associated with this. Developing a greater knowledge of the local area and its history.

May and June 2022

Dance group

Funded by school for Oak class

Developing pupils dance skills, whist enhancing their confidence and resilience.

May 2022

Riding of the Bounds visit and competition

Riding of the bounds association

Beech and Oak classes

Developing pupils understanding and knowledge of local community traditions and festivals.

May 2022

PE activities

Organised by school for Elm

Developing our nursery and Early Years pupils physical skills

May 2022

Jubilee celebrations

Organised by school for all pupils

Developing children’s knowledge and understanding of British history, the Monarch and her reign. Children have designed and developed their own crowns and decorations for the event.

Academic year 2021 - 2022

Allanton Village Hall project

Oak class

Developing Community Cohesion and pupils engagement in local community events. Pupils taking responsibility for a project and maintain this over time.

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Respite support in school

The Grove School

For pupils who receive respite

Respite offered for pupils is developed and enhanced by the staff being able to access the school building over evenings and during the holidays.

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Young Carers meetings on Saturdays

The Grove School

Young carers enables siblings of some of our pupils to have time when they can relax and enjoy social interactions that do not involve other members of their families.

Academic Year 2021-2022


By the charity for Beech class

Developing pupils physical skills whilst supporting their emotional wellbeing

June 2022

School residential

The Grove School (funded by school)

Opportunities to be involved in a residential and spend time together outside of the school and home environment. Activities and events planned to ensure that this is an enriching experience.

June 2022

East Links school visit

Funded by classes Business money, Willow and Maple classes

Developing pupils access to the wider community and to enjoyable activities that enhance the pupils learning experiences.

June 2022

School support of the East Ord nature walk

Supported by the Rotary club

Developing pupils knowledge of the world around them and community cohesion 

July 2022

School Prom

The Grove School

(Pupils fund raised to pay for this)

Social opportunity for our senior pupils, developing their independence and self-esteem that they can be a part of a Prom like other senior pupils in other schools.

July 2022

Designing a logo for a new parent group called ‘Time to shine’

Time to Shine

Opportunity to be part of a new community group that has been developed to support families with disabled children.

July 2022

Rotary Sports Day

Rotary Club Berwick

Opportunity to be part of a inclusive sports event in school

July 2022

Class assemblies

The Grove School

Opportunity to be part of their class assemblies and have their good work applauded