Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
The Grove Special School

Willow timetable and Class Photographs

End of year Assembly, a snapshot of learning in Willow class.
Preparing for Armistice Celebrations. 

National Artist, Background Bob is the alter ego of 12 year old Noah who recently appeared on The One Show. Described as a cheeky lad with cerebral palsy his background paintings have become hugely popular. Initially starting as a project during the first covid lockdown, the idea and the project took off. Noah would paint the backgrounds and artists would collaborate by painting on top.

Soon capturing the imagination the result is that more than 200 artists took part. Background Bob then published a book of the works which sold out raising more than £18k for charity. The next stage is to sell the original works themselves via an online auction on ebay. The money raised will raise vital funds for the Colchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity.

The children in Maple and Willow joined the artists painting on the backgrounds created by Noah and donated funds they had raised from their scone making business to Noah's charity. You can follow Background Bob on instagram https://www.instagram.com/background_bob/

The Art work that we created will be displayed alongside some of the other artists work in an Exhibition in Colchester. Our designs will also be appearing in Noah's ( Background Bob's) latest book.

Scan the QR code to see watch the Willow Christmas Celebration.