Early Years provision at The Grove School
The Grove School can support pupils from 2 years onwards, if they have an EHCP.
We plan for each pupil individually; this means that we do not have a class that is EYFS only.
Most of our younger and EYFS pupils are supported either in Elm class or in Willow depending on their complexity of need.
The curriculum is planned for each pupil; this process is described in our curriculum planning section of our website.
We use different resources for different pupils, so for some pupils we may use the National Curriculum/EYFS framework and for some we will write Learning Intentions with the support of a multi-professional team.
We assess through observations, using the B-squared assessment tool/’I can’ statements or through the use of MAPP. We meet the statutory requirement of assessment by completing the EYFS profile at the end of the stage.
For more information, please see our curriculum policy and our curriculum flow chart.