Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
The Grove Special School

GDPR in our school

The GDPR Officer for the Grove School is Linda Papaioannou.
All school staff are aware of the new GDPR regulations and all Senior and Middle leaders have completed online training and all other staff are in the process of completing this training.
All teaching staff have secure laptops and encrypted pen sticks.
All parents have given consent for photographs/videos to be taken of their children, these may be used within school or used on the website.
Those parents who do not wish their children to be photographed/videoed have let school know.
Children's names never appear next to their photographs on the website.
All staff have given permission to have their photographs published both in school and on the website.
School have a statutory duty to retain documents for pupils from their date of birth plus 25 years.
School have a statutory duty to retain documents for staff from start date plus 6 years.